2/4/2025 Meeting
This month's favorite website on Legislation is https://vfwauxmn.org/di/vfw/v2/default.asp?pid=69038
Flag Fact - The biggest flags used for National Anthems are primarily used in football stadiums. 100 yard by 50 yards (nearly 50,000 sq ft)
KC used a large flag for one of its playoff games.
1/7/2025 Meeting *** NO MEETING ***
12/2/2024 Meeting
Take the survey on https://www.vfw.org/advocacy/grassroots-efforts/vfw-action-corps-weekly to provide feedback on your use of the site
There aren't specific procedures for the US flag in winter, but there are some precautions to take to protect it from the elements:
Remember, the flag should always be treated with respect and not allowed to touch the ground or any other object below it.
11/5/2024 Meeting
You are encouraged to periodically checkout the VFW.ORG site and navigate to the Advocacy tab. From there check out the Grassroots Efforts to impact our legislation
10/1/2024 Meeting
Election Season Guidelines
- Do attend candidate Town Hall Meetings and other events and ask candidates where they
stand on veterans issues.
- Do set up voter registration drives/Get Out the Vote Campaigns on the local level.
- Do provide carpool service on Election Day to help the elderly and disabled get to the
voting booth.
- Do support and work for your favorite candidates as a voting constituent.
- Do wear clothing/pins with the VFW Auxiliary emblem at public events such as town halls,
rallies, forums and/or debates.
- Don’t endorse candidates on behalf of the VFW Auxiliary National Organization,
Department, District or Auxiliary.
- Don’t wear your VFW Auxiliary cap when actively campaigning for a candidate, such as
soliciting donations or knocking on doors asking people to pledge their vote for a
Photo gallery of 12th Celebrating America's Freedom Event (in Michigan this past September)
9/3/2024 Meeting
Consider putting a sign in your yard. Help somebody. Grass roots campaign work is a thankless job.
See the VFW suggested reading list for youth
8/6/2024 Meeting
https://www.votervoice.net/VFW/Campaigns/ Useful for responding to representatives. Click on Action Corp Sign up at right to get regular updates.
Reminder that voting is one of the most patriotic things that you can do. You are encouraged to be involved in the upcoming election process.
7/2/2024 Meeting
Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act. Watch the video, which starts at the 16:23 mark, and urge your representatives to pass H.R. 8371 today !
Movie review: Something to Stand For Two Thumbs up. An encouraging patriotic film which will leave you thankful for those who have served you and proud to be an American.
6/5/2024 Meeting
Summer challenge. Once this summer send a note to one of your representatives. Supporting a bill. Or an inquiry of some kind.
Flag version of "My Cows" driving game.
5/8/2024 Meeting
HF2000 provides tax relief for charitable gambling and allows for more money to return the community. You are encouraged to contact your representatives in supporting the bill
See https://votervoice.net/VFW/Campaigns for information on contacting your representatives
What are going to do this summer to support your country? Yard flag? Your attire? Singing National anthems?
4/2/2024 Meeting
An example of the VFW's most recent and important legislative victories was expanding college education benefits for military service members with the signing of the Forever GI Bill, and ensuring America's service members and veterans receive the care they deserve - whenever and wherever they need it - by passing the VA MISSION Act.
Also reminder that Veterans on the Hill is scheduled for April 17th Wednesday. Veterans Day on the Hill & Legislative Tip Sheet
We entered heavy National Anthem season with nearly 2500 major league baseball games being played from now into the fall.
3/5/2023 Meeting
“Claim Sharks” coach veterans in filing VA disability claims with promises of increasing their ratings, while charging fees and taking a portion of the veterans’ compensation
If you or someone you know has been charged fees for VA claims assistance, please email us at [email protected].
Several Patriotic events are taking place this month in March. See Upcoming Events for more details.
2/6/2024 Meeting
Posted VFW 2024 Priorities on our website. VFW 2024 Priority Goals
Inspiring show of respect: During a college volleyball tournament game last month a ball hit the American flag which was suspended over the court. Play was immediately stopped and the point was awarded (this is generally not the case when the ball hits the rafters etc.).
12/5/2023 Meeting
There are great tools available on the Action Corp site for keeping a pulse on the legislative topics. https://heroes.vfw.org/page/28363/action/1?locale=en-US
December 7, is a day that lives in infamy, take a moment to pause, reflect, and remember how that day changed this country. Remember those who perished that day, consider how the actions of so many shaped our future. Patriotism was high as we scrambled to go forward on that day.
11/7/2023 Meeting
National Buddy Check Week: The first annual National Buddy Check Week is Oct.16 - Oct. 20, 2023. In this new VA program, veterans are encouraged to contact ten fellow veterans and check on how they are doing. The goal is to build peer-to-peer connections, improve mental health, and increase access to VA resources. Veteran family members, caregivers, and survivors are also encouraged to participate.
Legislation priority
To fully support service members, and protect our nation’s citizens and interests around the world, Congress and DOD must:
- Preserve the all-volunteer force.
- Expand partnerships with host nations and private/public organizations to achieve the fullest possible accounting of U.S. military personnel missing from all wars.
- Ensure DPAA is fully funded to perform its personnel recovery mission. (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency)
VFW-Supported Amendment Passes Senate: The Senate passed an amendment to the Military Construction, Veteran Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024. In July, the VFW testified in favor of H.R. 705, Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, which mirrors the aforementioned bill. This amendment would block VA from automatically referring veterans with fiduciaries to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which prohibits the ownership of firearms. It would also require that any VA referrals to NICS must first have the order of a judge indicating that the person is a danger to themselves or others. The VFW sees this as a necessary step to ensure the right of due process for veterans
Is it proper to fly the U.S. flag at night?
The Flag Code states it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. The American Legion interprets “proper illumination” as a light specifically placed to illuminate the flag (preferred) or having a light source sufficient to illuminate the flag so it is recognizable as such by the casual observer.
10/3/2023 Meeting
As the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for certain benefits, like health care, life insurance, or money to help pay for school or training. As the survivor of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for added benefits, including help with burial costs and survivor compensation. If you’re caring for a Veteran, you may also be eligible for support to help you better care for the Veteran—and for yourself. Find out which benefits you may qualify for and how to access them. See http://va.gov for additional information
Example of active bill in the congress:
VA Same-Day Scheduling Act of 2023
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure that when a veteran enrolled in the VA health care system contacts the VA by telephone to schedule an appointment for care or services at a VA facility, the scheduling for the appointment occurs during that telephone call.
More information: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/41
Current Legislation: https://votervoice.net/VFW/bills
What is meant by the flag’s own right?
The “right” as the position of honor developed from the time when the right hand was the “weapon hand” or “point of danger.” The right hand, raised without a weapon, was a sign of peace. The right hand, to any observer, is the observer’s left. Therefore, as used in the Flag Code, the flag and/or blue field is displayed to the observer’s left, which is the flag’s “own right.”
9/5/2023 Meeting
Pre-Need Eligibility for VA Cemetery Burial: VA Under Secretary of Memorial Affairs Matthew T. Quinn spoke about pre-need eligibility for burial benefits during a presentation at the 124th VFW National Convention. Over the last five decades, VA has expanded the number of national cemeteries creating more access for urban veterans and jumpstarting an initiative for those in rural areas. However, Quinn revealed that only 16% of veterans will choose a VA national cemetery for their final resting place. Read more about national cemeteries or learn more about VA burial benefits.
Voice of Democracy scholarship - 3-5 min audio plus essay Grades 9-12
This month's favorite website on Legislation is https://vfwauxmn.org/di/vfw/v2/default.asp?pid=69038
Flag Fact - The biggest flags used for National Anthems are primarily used in football stadiums. 100 yard by 50 yards (nearly 50,000 sq ft)
KC used a large flag for one of its playoff games.
1/7/2025 Meeting *** NO MEETING ***
12/2/2024 Meeting
Take the survey on https://www.vfw.org/advocacy/grassroots-efforts/vfw-action-corps-weekly to provide feedback on your use of the site
There aren't specific procedures for the US flag in winter, but there are some precautions to take to protect it from the elements:
- Severe Weather: If there's a heavy snowstorm, ice storm, or high winds, it's best to take the flag down to prevent damage.
- All-Weather Flags: If you have an all-weather flag, it can be displayed in light rain or snow. However, it's still recommended to bring it in during severe weather.
- Illumination: If you display the flag at night, it must be properly illuminated. This is important year-round, but especially during the shorter days of winter.
Remember, the flag should always be treated with respect and not allowed to touch the ground or any other object below it.
11/5/2024 Meeting
You are encouraged to periodically checkout the VFW.ORG site and navigate to the Advocacy tab. From there check out the Grassroots Efforts to impact our legislation
- "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." - Abraham Lincoln
- "Democracy is not just the right to vote, it is the right to live in dignity." - Naomi Klein
- "Every election is determined by the people who show up." - Larry J. Sabato
- "The right to vote freely for the candidate of one's choice is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government." - Earl Warren
- "The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
- "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato
- "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." - John F. Kennedy
- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
10/1/2024 Meeting
Election Season Guidelines
- Do attend candidate Town Hall Meetings and other events and ask candidates where they
stand on veterans issues.
- Do set up voter registration drives/Get Out the Vote Campaigns on the local level.
- Do provide carpool service on Election Day to help the elderly and disabled get to the
voting booth.
- Do support and work for your favorite candidates as a voting constituent.
- Do wear clothing/pins with the VFW Auxiliary emblem at public events such as town halls,
rallies, forums and/or debates.
- Don’t endorse candidates on behalf of the VFW Auxiliary National Organization,
Department, District or Auxiliary.
- Don’t wear your VFW Auxiliary cap when actively campaigning for a candidate, such as
soliciting donations or knocking on doors asking people to pledge their vote for a
Photo gallery of 12th Celebrating America's Freedom Event (in Michigan this past September)
9/3/2024 Meeting
Consider putting a sign in your yard. Help somebody. Grass roots campaign work is a thankless job.
See the VFW suggested reading list for youth
8/6/2024 Meeting
https://www.votervoice.net/VFW/Campaigns/ Useful for responding to representatives. Click on Action Corp Sign up at right to get regular updates.
Reminder that voting is one of the most patriotic things that you can do. You are encouraged to be involved in the upcoming election process.
7/2/2024 Meeting
Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act. Watch the video, which starts at the 16:23 mark, and urge your representatives to pass H.R. 8371 today !
Movie review: Something to Stand For Two Thumbs up. An encouraging patriotic film which will leave you thankful for those who have served you and proud to be an American.
6/5/2024 Meeting
Summer challenge. Once this summer send a note to one of your representatives. Supporting a bill. Or an inquiry of some kind.
Flag version of "My Cows" driving game.
5/8/2024 Meeting
HF2000 provides tax relief for charitable gambling and allows for more money to return the community. You are encouraged to contact your representatives in supporting the bill
See https://votervoice.net/VFW/Campaigns for information on contacting your representatives
What are going to do this summer to support your country? Yard flag? Your attire? Singing National anthems?
4/2/2024 Meeting
An example of the VFW's most recent and important legislative victories was expanding college education benefits for military service members with the signing of the Forever GI Bill, and ensuring America's service members and veterans receive the care they deserve - whenever and wherever they need it - by passing the VA MISSION Act.
Also reminder that Veterans on the Hill is scheduled for April 17th Wednesday. Veterans Day on the Hill & Legislative Tip Sheet
We entered heavy National Anthem season with nearly 2500 major league baseball games being played from now into the fall.
3/5/2023 Meeting
“Claim Sharks” coach veterans in filing VA disability claims with promises of increasing their ratings, while charging fees and taking a portion of the veterans’ compensation
If you or someone you know has been charged fees for VA claims assistance, please email us at [email protected].
Several Patriotic events are taking place this month in March. See Upcoming Events for more details.
2/6/2024 Meeting
Posted VFW 2024 Priorities on our website. VFW 2024 Priority Goals
Inspiring show of respect: During a college volleyball tournament game last month a ball hit the American flag which was suspended over the court. Play was immediately stopped and the point was awarded (this is generally not the case when the ball hits the rafters etc.).
12/5/2023 Meeting
There are great tools available on the Action Corp site for keeping a pulse on the legislative topics. https://heroes.vfw.org/page/28363/action/1?locale=en-US
December 7, is a day that lives in infamy, take a moment to pause, reflect, and remember how that day changed this country. Remember those who perished that day, consider how the actions of so many shaped our future. Patriotism was high as we scrambled to go forward on that day.
11/7/2023 Meeting
National Buddy Check Week: The first annual National Buddy Check Week is Oct.16 - Oct. 20, 2023. In this new VA program, veterans are encouraged to contact ten fellow veterans and check on how they are doing. The goal is to build peer-to-peer connections, improve mental health, and increase access to VA resources. Veteran family members, caregivers, and survivors are also encouraged to participate.
Legislation priority
To fully support service members, and protect our nation’s citizens and interests around the world, Congress and DOD must:
- Preserve the all-volunteer force.
- Expand partnerships with host nations and private/public organizations to achieve the fullest possible accounting of U.S. military personnel missing from all wars.
- Ensure DPAA is fully funded to perform its personnel recovery mission. (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency)
VFW-Supported Amendment Passes Senate: The Senate passed an amendment to the Military Construction, Veteran Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024. In July, the VFW testified in favor of H.R. 705, Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, which mirrors the aforementioned bill. This amendment would block VA from automatically referring veterans with fiduciaries to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which prohibits the ownership of firearms. It would also require that any VA referrals to NICS must first have the order of a judge indicating that the person is a danger to themselves or others. The VFW sees this as a necessary step to ensure the right of due process for veterans
Is it proper to fly the U.S. flag at night?
The Flag Code states it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. The American Legion interprets “proper illumination” as a light specifically placed to illuminate the flag (preferred) or having a light source sufficient to illuminate the flag so it is recognizable as such by the casual observer.
10/3/2023 Meeting
As the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for certain benefits, like health care, life insurance, or money to help pay for school or training. As the survivor of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for added benefits, including help with burial costs and survivor compensation. If you’re caring for a Veteran, you may also be eligible for support to help you better care for the Veteran—and for yourself. Find out which benefits you may qualify for and how to access them. See http://va.gov for additional information
Example of active bill in the congress:
VA Same-Day Scheduling Act of 2023
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure that when a veteran enrolled in the VA health care system contacts the VA by telephone to schedule an appointment for care or services at a VA facility, the scheduling for the appointment occurs during that telephone call.
More information: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/41
Current Legislation: https://votervoice.net/VFW/bills
What is meant by the flag’s own right?
The “right” as the position of honor developed from the time when the right hand was the “weapon hand” or “point of danger.” The right hand, raised without a weapon, was a sign of peace. The right hand, to any observer, is the observer’s left. Therefore, as used in the Flag Code, the flag and/or blue field is displayed to the observer’s left, which is the flag’s “own right.”
9/5/2023 Meeting
Pre-Need Eligibility for VA Cemetery Burial: VA Under Secretary of Memorial Affairs Matthew T. Quinn spoke about pre-need eligibility for burial benefits during a presentation at the 124th VFW National Convention. Over the last five decades, VA has expanded the number of national cemeteries creating more access for urban veterans and jumpstarting an initiative for those in rural areas. However, Quinn revealed that only 16% of veterans will choose a VA national cemetery for their final resting place. Read more about national cemeteries or learn more about VA burial benefits.
Voice of Democracy scholarship - 3-5 min audio plus essay Grades 9-12